Well Coop, as they say, there's good news and there's bad news.
The bad news is, we have to delay printing. This is Leah writing, and I'd like to tell you why. This was an incredibly hard decision to make, and I apologize. It is 100% on me. As some of you know, the last few months have been a period of extreme upheaval and change in my personal life, leading to a stress-related illness that has occupied much of my energy and time. I am on the mend (a diagnosis always helps!), and after moving apartments and re-structuring my work life, I can get back to this project that I love immensely.
I am sorry to have to do this. A delay feels like I am letting you down.
I really don't want to rush out some less-than-excellent sweater patterns because my focus was elsewhere. This project means too much to me, and I know it means a lot to some of you. You know who you are! Thank you. I see you and I love you. Really, thank you.
The good news is, we still have a fun surprise for you this fall. Great Northern Early Check-In, a pre-release ebook with more of our finished designs, will be Ravelry-gifted to you (or emailed-- please get in touch with us if you haven't given us your preference) this week. We will be doing a KAL this fall before the holidays, too! So even if we can't deliver the book into your hands this fall, you'll still get your stitchy Twin Peaksy fix this year.
And hey, if David Lynch can delay the new season, we're in good company... right? ;)

Heavy sighs and big hugs. Leah
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